


The laser energy is used to stimulate the affected area by stimulating the free nerve ending and other pain receptor it interrupts the transmission of pain in the nervous system releases endogenous opioids to archive pain relief, and accelerates the healing and regeneration of the  effected area during the natural process of energy transfer improve blood circulation and repair the damaged tissue at the cellular level. The healing effect is rapid and long-lasting. It also has anti-inflammatory, diminish inflammation, healing promotion and muscle relaxation prevention effect

High Power laser therapy deice adapts specific wavelength to deeply penetrate the issue with light energy. Using its biostimulation effect, it can increase ATP synthesis in mitochondria, promote mitochondrial RNA replication and response reaction and also enhance DNA systhesis, accelerate cellular activity and promote enzyme synthesis and cell membrane perfusion.

Medinc Healthcare

We, Medical Equipment are among the leading providers of medical systems and equipment used to assess and monitor acute and chronic diseases and disorders. We are located at Pune, Maharashtra. We also provide products like medical spares, weighing and measuring kits, etc.

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